Just a reminder for Thursday Business Twilight Bowls Players and club volunteers that Twilight Bowls is on tonight because of the public holiday tomorrow.

Ladies Championship Triples

The Club appreciates that you are a neutral person and wear appropriate bowling apparel.


  • Centre the jack
  • Make sure the jack is at least 23 metres from the mat line once centred-if not ask that it be measured
  • Stand to one side behind the jack and away from the head
  • When asked by the player who has possession of the rink, answer specific questions. E.g. “do I hold shot” the answer is yes or no, NOT “yes you hold 2 shots”.
  • Mark all touchers and remove all chalk marks from non-touchers as soon as they come to rest
  • Mark the position of the jack and any touchers in the ditch
  • Stop any bowl from a neighbouring rink that may move a jack or a bowl at rest
  • Do not leave the head until the players have agreed on the number of shots
  • Record the score only when the players have declared the head
  • Measure any disputed shots when asked to do so by the players
  • When game complete make sure that the score card contains:

the players’ names and signatures

the time the game was completed